
2012년 9월 20일 목요일

문인진 미국 총회장 면직 및 신임 문형진 미국 총회장 임명 공문


9월17일 청평에서 문형진 세계회장을 중심으로 이사회를 가졌고, 인진씨의 사임을 수락했다. 인진씨는 개인적 사유로 사임했으며, 과거 수년간 유례없는 선교활동을 통해서 많은 가정을 부활시켰고, 젊은이들에 힘과 감동을 주었으며, 새로운 사람들을 입교 시켰다.또한 봉사활동을 통해 미국 의회의 인권영역에 큰 영향을 주었고, 그런 훌륭한 일들을 계속해나가야 한다. 아버님 성화 이후 어머님의 첫번째 결정은 형진 세계회장이 세계회장 겸 미국 총회장을 맡는 것이고, 형진회장은 어머니의 부름을 수락했다. 즉시 미국에 가서 양창식회장과 카터 회장과 함께 12개 지구를 순회할 것과 그의 지도력은 미국에 있어서 큰 축복이 될 것이다.



September 17, 2012

Dear Blessed Families,

Thank you for your love, prayers and devotion for True Parents, especially over these last several weeks leading up to the victorious Seonghwa of True Father.

We have all been completely focused on attending True Parents at this unprecedented time. The events centering on True Father’s Seonghwa, culminating with True Mother’s historic speech on Monday, September 17, have been respectfully and successfully completed. Now, together with True Mother and World Chairman, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon, our worldwide church community has moved into a new era and we are preparing in earnest for Foundation Day.

The HSA-UWC Board of Directors for the American church met in Cheongpyeong on Sunday, September 16, centered on board chairman, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon. The Board has accepted the resignation of Rev. In Jin Moon (President and CEO), who resigned because of her personal situation. In Jin Nim has done exceptional work through her ministry over the past several years in America, revitalizing our families, empowering and inspiring our young people and attracting new people to join our church. In addition, she made great impact in the area of human rights through her outreach to the U.S. Congress. That good work should continue.

While True Mother has been entirely focused on attending True Father during this time, she has also given much thought and prayer toward resolving the difficult situation in America, so that America as the elder son nation can go forward and fulfill its critical mission. Mother’s first decision following True Father’s Seonghwa was to call Rev. Hyung Jin Moon to take direct leadership in America, while still fulfilling his position as World Chairman. He accepted True Mother’s call and the HSA Board unanimously approved his appointment as President and CEO of the American Church.

In accordance with True Mother’s direction, Rev. Hyung Jin Moon will come immediately to America and begin a 12-District tour to meet with all of our families, accompanied by Dr. Yang and Rev. Cotter. His leadership will be a great blessing to America.

Brothers and Sisters, let us go forward and continue to work together, honoring and building upon what True Parents have established in America to bring total victory on Foundation Day.


Dr. Chang Shik Yang

Continental Director, North America 1

Rev. Joshua Cotter

Executive Vice President, Unification Church USA

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